Empowering Entrepreneurs, Igniting Success Together

We envision a business world where entrepreneurship is accessible to any one who wishes to be an Entrepreneur!

What we do

Helping student entrepreneurs from underserved communities find pathways to financial independence and upward social mobility

  • Expanding and enhancing entrepreneurship education, training, mentoring, and incubation to better serve students and alumni of entrepreneurship from underserved communities.
  • By addressing unique challenges faced by students and alumni lacking equal access to economic capital, NESBA USA strives to foster social justice and create a more inclusive and equitable entrepreneurial ecosystem.
How we do it

By changing the mindset of student entrepreneurs, from that of future job-seekers and employees, to that of Future JOB CREATORS and EMPLOYERS!

  • At NESBA USA, we understand that attributes like creativity, resilience, risk-taking, and innovation are just as crucial as the technical aspects of entrepreneurship education—such as systems, strategies, and techniques.
  • Along side the rigorous academic curriculum, we also focus on developing the attributes, these intangible qualities, that allow student entrepreneurs to navigate uncertainty, overcome challenges, and turn ideas into reality.
Tools we use to do it

In addition to the current rigorous entrepreneurial curriculum with practical resources such as workshops, mentorship, coaching, and networking events, the inclusion of the crucial “Financial Capital” is central to our vision and mission.

Rigorous Curriculum
We empower aspiring student entrepreneurs with essential knowledge and skills through workshops, seminars, and hands-on learning.

Our programs follows both skills training and attribute development approaches to help students with academics as well as personal growth to succeed in a competitive business world.
Mentorship and Coaching
Our mentorship program connects aspiring entrepreneurs with experienced mentors who provide personalized guidance and industry insights.

This support helps mentees navigate challenges and achieve their business goals with confidence.
Social Capital Development
NESBA USA’s coaching program affords students the opportunity to learn from successful entrepreneurs on location at their businesses.

Experience real-world operations, gain practical insights, and build valuable connections that can guide your entrepreneurial journey.
Financial Capital Provision
Central to NESBA's approach to enhancing entrepreneurship education is the provision of financial capital, as an integral part of the program, to qualified students. ​
why we do it

We envision a business world where entrepreneurship is accessible to any one who wishes to be an Entrepreneur!

  • At NESBA USA, we believe that entrepreneurship is more than just a career choice; it’s a powerful engine for social and economic transformation.
  • Our mission is driven by the understanding that for many students and graduates—especially those from underserved and historically marginalized communities—the path to business ownership is often obstructed by systemic barriers, including limited access to critical resources and funding.
  • These obstacles prevent talented individuals from realizing their full potential as entrepreneurs, leaving their innovative ideas and economic contributions untapped.
  • We exist to dismantle these barriers and provide the essential economic capital, mentorship, and support needed to empower these aspiring entrepreneurs to become job creators and community leaders.

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Guiding Minds, Shaping Futures

  • Mentors at NESBA USA do more than teach—they inspire. They are committed to nurturing the next generation of entrepreneurs, providing personalized support and encouragement that empowers students to pursue their dreams with confidence.
  • Whether through interactive workshops, one-on-one sessions, or virtual consultations, our mentors play a crucial role in shaping the entrepreneurial journeys of our students, ensuring they are well-prepared to turn their visions into reality.


Bridging Theory and Practice

  • Our coaches take experiential learning to the next level by opening their places of business to our students, offering a hands-on approach to mentorship that is both immersive and transformative.
  • These dedicated entrepreneurs invite students into the heart of their operations, providing a real-world perspective on what it takes to build and sustain a successful enterprise.
  • Through this unique, on-the-ground experience, students gain practical skills, and a deep understanding of the day-to-day challenges and triumphs of entrepreneurship.


Ready to start your entrepreneurial journey?

  • Are you a CSUF student majoring or minoring in, or considering switching to, Entrepreneurship?
  • You should talk to us!
  • NESBA USA is here to help you with scholarships, startup capital, mentoring and coaching to turn your entrepreneurial ideas into a thriving business!

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The Catalysts for Change and Opportunity

  • Facilitators are the linchpins of NESBA USA’s mission, leveraging their influence in government and the private sector to create pathways for our students.
  • These visionary leaders possess the power to shape policies, uncover hidden opportunities, and connect key stakeholders, all with the goal of empowering young entrepreneurs from underserved communities.
  • Their deep understanding of the broader socio-economic landscape allows them to champion initiatives that foster inclusive growth and equitable access to resources.


Empower the Next Generation of Innovators

  • Whether you’re a corporate entity looking to enhance your community impact or an individual philanthropist with a passion for social change, NESBA USA offers you the opportunity to make a lasting difference.
  • Together, we can empower the next generation of leaders, foster innovation, and create a ripple effect of positive change.
  • Partner with NESBA USA and be a catalyst for a brighter, more equitable future. Let’s build a world where every student, regardless of background, has the chance to succeed and create opportunities for others.
  • Your Impact Starts Here
    Ready to make a difference? Your generous support can change lives. Donate today and be part of a movement that’s transforming communities through entrepreneurship.
Want to make a difference?

Help us empower a new generation of entrepreneurs

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