A few words

About Us

“I am because we are”

An Ubuntu Proverb

  • The goal of any community economic development initiative is to improve the economic well-being and quality of life for all community members.
  • The creation of a college-based sustainable development that fosters local economic opportunities, and enhances social equity starts with making entrepreneurship education accessible to all students who aspire to become entrepreneurs.
  • At the National Entrepreneurship and Small Business Academy USA, we also understand that entrepreneurship education is not just about acquiring knowledge; it’s about developing the right mindset to turn that knowledge into successful ventures.
  • Through our NEST Program (Nascent Entrepreneur Support and Training), encompassing innovation labs, mentorship programs, networking events and the provision of financial capital, we cultivate not only technical and critical thinking kills and problem-solving abilities that are integral to entrepreneurship, but we also provide the right environment for shifting the mindset of student entrepreneurs to that of business owners and job-creators.
  • At NESBA USA, we believe that in order for a community to develop and foster a pipeline of venture-ready entrepreneurs, it starts with entrepreneurship education where students, from all ethnic and socioeconomic backgrounds, have equal access to entrepreneurship education, and the right environment for academic learning and personal development.
  • To achieve this we need all members of the community to lend a hand.
  • We need this interconnectedness.  From mentors and coaches, to facilitator and financial supporters;
  • Student Entrepreneurs need Us; We need You; We need Your Support!

“Communities Foster Entrepreneurs; Entrepreneurs Drive Job Creation in Communities.”

A NESBA USA Philosophy!

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